Meet Casey, Senior Service Desk Analyst

Posted 24.11.15 by prhcareers

“This is the most diverse and complex IT set-up that I’ve ever been part of.”

Pearce, Casey - Photo 2

Hello Casey – so you’re a Senior Service Desk Analyst, Request Fulfilment – what does that mean?

Primarily I am part of the team who are the first point of contact for all technology queries. We try to assist with a resolution straight away and document and escalate tickets to the other IT Teams. We manage the flow data and support calls, and try to share knowledge wherever we can.

As the role develops I will be involved more with the design and mapping of Service Requests; looking at streamlining best practices, removing duplication of efforts and enhancing the customer experience.

Where were you before Penguin Random House?

Most recently I worked for Apple. My day job was as a Genius at the Stratford City store but I also was the ‘In Store Guest Trainer’ for 6 months, I was responsible for all the new product and new staff training. Prior to that I worked for H. Bauer Publishing, initially running the Help Desk, and then as IT Business Relationship Manager.

What’s it like to do Technology at Penguin Random House? (especially compared to anywhere else you’ve worked)

 It’s brilliant. This is the most diverse and complex IT set-up that I’ve ever been part of. It’s an engaging, challenging and busy environment.

What’s the culture like in your team?

The Service Desk Team are focused, friendly and adaptable – fuelled by lots of tea and biscuits and a good sense of humour!

We’re a diverse team with skills that complement each other and we work well together.

What’s the most exciting thing that’s happened to you at work this week? 

 The meeting invites have started to arrive where I’m taking on my new responsibilities (I’ve just moved into a new role here).

Best thing about your job?

Continually learning new things and interacting with all areas of the business.

Biggest challenge to your job?

Working on a PC!

All-time favourite book/story?

The Hobbit is still my all-time favourite book.

Guilty pleasure?

Dr Who – best decision the BBC ever made bringing the series back – top banana!