Meet Jennifer Walne – Work Experience in Michael Joseph Marketing and Publicity

Posted 17.07.19 by Alex Watson

If you are able to go, make damn sure you do.

Not many established companies in London would have such an inclusive work experience programme- a paid one at that. Offering opportunities from sitting in on a meeting discussing publicity campaigns for next year’s bestsellers, to assisting the brand manager of a top celebrity chef, it’s easily the best and most useful placement I have ever done.

My favourite part of the placement would have to be the environment. I was given my own desk, spacious and comfortable, with my own computer and login details in the Michael Joseph publicity and marketing department. I would undertake tasks for staff as and when they arose, as well as a small number of admin which need completion every day- these ones especially made me feel a true part of the team. But then again, I already felt a true part of the team due to the kind welcome I was given by my colleagues.

There are no office politics, no desktop wars that could alienate you from half the office depending on whose side you choose. Everyone is a team no matter what size the department is, which for a girl who has gone from an angry shop girl to an exhausted waitress is a huge breath of fresh air.

It truly is an excellent opportunity and a rare treat – one not to be missed.